Monday, December 5, 2016

Taking a Break

So this past month and half life has been a little crazy for me. 

I found out that I am pregnant which wasn't planned at all in human terms. I would know because I know everything that happen. But God had a different plan as He always does.

My father-in-law is very sick. He has a probable diagnose of ALS. It has been a very long process both watching him slowly declining in his health to the countless doctors and appointments it has taken him to get to even this point. It really tears at me to see him and my poor mother-in-law like this. My prayer for them is that they will find hope and peace in knowing where my father-in-law is going when he dies as they go through their grieving process. It is also really hard on my husband even though he is a private person.

My marriage is also going through a hard time. I have come to realize that my relationship personally with my husband has been mostly based off of my awful addiction to pleasing people. I am finding out that I can't please him without first being completely satisfied in Christ. The verse God has brought to my attention is Philippians 4:11-14

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ[b] who strengthens me.
 I desire to be content when things are going good but also when things are unpleasant and uncomfortable. If you look up the Greek word for strengthens it means roughly increasing strength. Christ is constantly increasing my strength to be content. It isn't an one time deallo. It is constant. This is my prayer for the coming months. 

So with all of this going on, I am taking a break from my blog. Not sure how long but for right now, I am going to sign off. I hope to still read my favorite bloggers out there for some encouragement and connection.

So I want to end giving you an link of my favorite Christmas song that I wrote about last year. I am again listening to it over and over just like last year. Pure gospel and I am loving it!
Merry Christmas!
linking up with Jenifer #tellhisstory and Holley coffee for your heart
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