Thursday, August 11, 2016

Five Minute Friday- Lift - A Lifting up Marriage

Here is to another Five Minute Friday. The word is "lift"

Marriage is hard. Two imperfect people get married and share their lives together. When I got married, I realized that I was not the only one who had to deal with my emotions which made my emotions harder to deal with. I also learned that sometimes I need to keep my emotions to myself because it is not beneficial and uplifting to my husband no matter how much I want to say it.

But the one thing I have realized the most is that through God's grace and constant reliance on my part when my husband is down or vice versa we can always be there to lift each other up. Even though it is sometimes hard because he makes it difficult, God gives me the grace to help lift up my husband. There are even times that my husband lifts me up and doesn't even realize it. Marriage gives that opportunity and ability to lift each other up. 

Even though marriage is hard I am glad that God has given me the husband He has given to me and helps me to be the stronger one through His grace when I need to be.  


  1. Love this, Kristina. Marriage is probably the hardest thing we do in life...and as a sacrament, has the potential for bringing us close to the Almighty.

    I sometimes think that the most important things we say in a marriage are the things we DON'T say. Does that make sense?

    #2 at FMF this week.

    1. Yeah that makes perfect sense! But I love that it does bring us closer to God. It is different for everyone and how He does it but if we do draw near to Him, He will give us the grace. Thanks for stopping by, Andrew!

  2. Marriage can be tough, but it is wonderful to know there is always someone there on your side! You are strong to hold back what might be upsetting. I swear, with my hubs, everything comes right out LOL and that can be good OR bad ha ha!

    1. No one is perfect! I think I broke a light switch cover before. Not something I am proud of but my hubbie is still there for me. Thanks for stopping by, Kadie!

  3. Such a good reminder to choose life in all things, including what we do and don't say to our spouse. Being close doesn't mean we should become overly familiar. Honour is still the key in all of these things. Thanks for the reminder!(visiting from FMF#17)

    1. I like the idea of choosing life in all things concerning what to say or not to say to our spouse. so true! thanks for stopping by, Shauna!

  4. Ah, you've nailed it, Kristina! Marriage is hard work! It is wonderful to have a partner who lifts us up--not only in prayer, but our spirits and emotions and intellect.

    1. It is so true that our spouses do lift us more than just spiritually. It has been fun to see how my husband has challenged and lifting me up. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Such truth here, Kristina. Lifting each other's much harder to do than pulling each other down at times. So thankful we have a God who grows us and builds us up into each other.

  6. I love the thoughts you shared here, sweet friend! It is so true...the longer we are married, the more one we become. And the more one we become, the more our emotional state affects our husband. Our feelings are so intertwined. I so appreciate the wisdom you share and your precious encouragement to me. Your husband is blessed to have you to lift him through life, and the rest of us in blogland are so blessed to have your presence here, too. You are always an encourager, and I appreciate you so much!


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