Thursday, October 13, 2016

Five Minute Friday- Mail- A Long Time ago before Email

Here is to another Five Minute Friday. The word is "mail".

The summer that I turned 14 I went to Awana camp in New Mexico like I always did. Awana camp was always something I wanted to earn to go to every summer. There you got to experience a week of fun and competition but also meet some awesome people. This particular year I met this guy named Fred Herrmann (yes that was his real name) and it was love at first sight. At the end of the week we switch addresses so that we could write each other. The goal was to keep writing until the following summer. And that's what we did.
He wrote the first letter almost immediately. Of course as any teenager girl, I could write the letter but couldn't send it until two days after I received it. Don't ask me why. When I would send it, the following days I would stalk the mailbox hoping to get a letter from him which I did. We seriously hear from each other once a week.

But then I found out that we were moving overseas. That was unexpected and very rough. We continued writing, but I didn't get his letters in the mail as fast because of being overseas. But then something what I thought was glorious came into our lives: EMAIL! But we soon found out that nothing really exciting happened in 24 hours and soon our writing quickly dwindled into nothing. Email was no longer cool.


  1. Such a sweet story!Getting emails is just not the same as letters. I miss those days!

  2. I don't know.. I love letters and notes regardless of how they come. All meaningful if from a friend. Visiting from FMF #10.

  3. Oh, Kristina, thank you for giving us a glimpse into your heart and your youth!

    Email, though useful, has never been cool.

    #1 at FMF this week.

  4. How sweet that you two wrote each other! And yes, as convenient as email may be, it is so not the same thing!

  5. How funny, now I'm just as hard pressed to get a decent email out of people as a decent letter and most of us have moved to facebook

  6. I agree about emails. Part of the fun of it is in getting the letter and the wait. It's anticipation. Email not so much.

  7. Hi Kristina, I remember growing up and having a "pen pal". I think part of the fun is the time between letters. The anticipation of your friend receiving your news and waiting to hear theirs. #35 on the fmf list this week.

  8. Always loved having a pen pal growing up. Had a few boys I e-mailed with. Just wasn't the same. Can't spray perfume on an e-mail :) Super sweet post. Also, AWANA CAMP? how did I miss that!

  9. Oh, my, you took me back to a simpler time. I miss it, to be honest. I am not a fan of the modern forms of communication, in some ways, because they are so distracting from what is actually going on in front of us. I enjoyed your weekly update email, and my heart is surely into all you said. We are in such perilous times, and this election is indeed the most important one ever. It just burdens me to see what is happening, and I am not sure God wants to have mercy on America anymore. I look forward to your post-election thoughts shared here. God bless you, and keep encouraged.

  10. Yes, there is NOTHING like the thrill of finding something in the physical mailbox. It's still a thrill for me today!


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