Today's verse is Ephesians 2:8-9 from my book Today I Pray by Stonecroft ministries.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God. Not of works lest anyone should boast."
Lord God, I pray that You will grant _______ genuine faith, a faith that trusts in Jesus alone and surrenders to Him as Lord and Savior.
This is such a popular verse used for salvation. It is interesting though to read the seven previous verses with it. There is this contrast between us and God. We are dead in our sins completely separated from God. We live under the prince of this world. But then according to God great mercy and great love, He sent His Son to die for us so that we can believe and become children of God. Amazing gospel story! Verses eight through nine sums up for us by saying that being saved is a gift from God through His grace. He gives us the faith through that grace through Jesus. You notice that none of that had to do with us. Nothing! Its His gift, His grace, and His faith. He enables us to believe in what Jesus did through His faith to us. As the prayer says above, no wonder we want to pray for that lost love one to surrender to God because He truly deserves it.
Amen! I've had that struggle too!! I had to give myself some grace on posting for 30 Days of Grateful Praise... especially after I missed Day 1. How thankful I am that when I get my heart right, God never fails to bring me ideas on what to blog about. Thanks for the reminder today that's it's not about us at all but ALL about HIM. ♥